I spilled a drink on my amp and now it doesn’t work, can I get it replaced?

              In ordinary life, the good and the bad — what is good for oneself, what is bad for oneself — are so intermingled, so linked, that often one gives up making the distinction.

Self-control is the highest virtue, and wisdom is to speak truth and consciously to act according to nature.

I What is the deductible on the van in case of damages?

              In ordinary life, the good and the bad — what is good for oneself, what is bad for oneself — are so intermingled, so linked, that often one gives up making the distinction.

Self-control is the highest virtue, and wisdom is to speak truth and consciously to act according to nature.

What happens if we get robbed or if we accidentally leave something behind?

              Our insurance will cover 80% of the loss at best, depending on the circumstances. In case of a robbery, you will need to go to the police first and provide us with a police report, we’ll need a report from the band too, including witnesses and as much information possible.

We will do our best to replace stolen items as quickly as possible but we can’t guarantee it.

Insurance will not cover lost items, if you accidentally leave something behind, you will need to do your best to get it back or items will have to be replaced or reimbursed in full.

Self-control is the highest virtue, and wisdom is to speak truth and consciously to act according to nature.

WOur van broke down and we missed tonight’s show, what happens now?

              In ordinary life, the good and the bad — what is good for oneself, what is bad for oneself — are so intermingled, so linked, that often one gives up making the distinction.

Self-control is the highest virtue, and wisdom is to speak truth and consciously to act according to nature.

Our band tours Europe all the time, I heard we could buy our own gear through you guys and store it with you, how does that work?

              In ordinary life, the good and the bad — what is good for oneself, what is bad for oneself — are so intermingled, so linked, that often one gives up making the distinction.

Self-control is the highest virtue, and wisdom is to speak truth and consciously to act according to nature.